Friday Flash Sale: Masterful, Small-Batch Grower Champagne

Take 10% off a case of this terrific bottle of bubbles

Pascal Bardoux’s wines are just like the man himself: subtle, understated, and delightful. In a region where “le marketing” is king, Bardoux’s delicious, hand-crafted, well-priced cuvées stand out. A world away from shiny tasting rooms and glossy brochures, this is traditional, artisan Champagne authored by a humble farmer.

A blend of 60% Pinot Meunier, 30% Chardonnay and 10% Pinot Noir, Bardoux’s humble non-vintage “Brut Traditionnel” has the complexity and depth to match the finest bottles from Burgundy or Bordeaux. The nose shows plum, chalk, lime zest, and buttered biscuits; the mouth is dry, elegant, and smooth, with notes of apple and toast. Much mass-market Champagne fetches between $80 and $150 a bottle; Bardoux’s small-batch Brut Traditionnel doesn’t even crack $60 — twice the wine at half the price.

We can’t recommend this wine highly enough. Think of it as a refined, complex wine in its own right; it just happens to feature bubbles. Some of our favorite pairings include: sushi, triple-cream cheese (like Delice de Bourgogne or Brillat-Savarin), or gougères. A case of this in your cellar will add class to our summer like little else.


Bardoux Champagne Traditionnel Brut NV
bottle price: $54
case price: $48.60 (use code BRUT)

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