Exquisite, Meursault-Like White Burgundy

“outstanding...excellent...delicious...a sneaky long finish...lovely.” Burghound

Vincent Boyer lost nearly 90% of his Meursault crop in a single cold night in April 2021. The resulting wines were tremendously successful, but exceedingly rare – indeed we’ve almost sold every bottle already. But for some reason the frost spared Vincent’s regional-level wines: Bourgogne Côte d’Or, and Aligoté. They’re delicious and we’re delighted to be well stocked.

Sourced from old vines, crafted by a masterful winemaker, and given (like his Meursaults) an exceptionally long 22 months of elevage before bottling, Boyer’s 2021 Bourgogne Côte d’Or is a triumph – far closer to a village Meursault than a humble regional-level wine.

We found Vincent’s 2021 Bourgogne his best yet, and we weren’t alone in our enthusiasm. Burghound gave it his “outstanding” distinction, finding “white orchard fruit and orange peel,” with “excellent punch and delineation,” from “delicious medium weight flavors” and a “sneaky long finish.” He concluded, simply, “Lovely.” We agree – the nose shows Boyer’s signature blend of golden fruit and focused minerals. The mouth is rich and smooth, with terrific concentration for its level. Every bottle we open gets better.


Boyer-Martenot Bourgogne Côte d’Or 2021
bottle price: $45

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