[Quick Offer] Crisp, Laser-Focused, No-Oak Chablis. $28

Cyrli Gautheron is at the top of his game.

In a world of warmer summers and riper grapes, Chablis has become a bastion of freshness and balance. The satellite region of Burgundy lies 90 minutes north of the Côte d’Or, about half way to Paris — the climate is cooler and the terroir is stonier. The resulting wines are less ripe and more mineral than a typical Bourgogne blanc.

Many of the wines coming out of Chablis are better than they’ve ever been. Today’s wine is from the regional-level “Petit Chablis” appellation, which in recent years has put on a bit of muscle and depth with the changing climate. Gautheron’s 2022 Petit Chablis is a delight — the nose is floral and very dry with notes of lemon pith and grapeskin. The mouth is sturdy and delicious, with chalky backbone and beautiful white apple fruit.

Serve this during the next heatwave, with ice-cold oysters on the half-shell.


Gautheron Petit Chablis 2022
bottle price: $28

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