Fresh, Crackling, Carefree New $25 Gamay

A crisp red to welcome fall

The Beaujolais has become a hotbed of innovative winemaking in recent years. Land prices and startup costs have chased new winemakers from the Côte d’Or, and many have landed further south in the Maconnais, Chalonnaise, and Beaujolais. These young vignerons are pushing the limits of what’s possible from the gamay grape, and we’ve found several remarkable and revolutionary cuvées.

But old school Beaujolais still has a certain charm, and when the weather turns crisp and the leaves start to fall, sometimes we’re in the mood for a simple, unoaked, refreshing gamay. And that’s just what Frederic Berne has made with his 2023 Beaujolais-Lantigné “Pierre Bleu.” It’s few bucks more than a Beaujolais Nouveaux, but easily ten times the wine.

Berne is a thoughtful organic winemaker working near the Côte de Brouilly. The 2023 Pierre Bleu is grown on the appellation’s signature blue granite soil – it’s lively and floral with low tannins and an easy, refreshing finish. A friendly Beaujolais for a backyard barbeque or tailgate.


Berne Beaujolais-Lantigné “Pierre Bleu” 2023
bottle price: $25

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