[Quick Offer] Subtle, Exquisite New Chassagne-Montrachet

“Very stylish, very precise.” - Jasper Morris MW

Thomas Morey makes the most precise, elegant, understated white Burgundies in our cellar. His style is one of restraint and precision. We think of them as “minimalist” white wines — what’s not there (oak, butter, heaviness) is as important as what is there.

Morey channels his historic family’s superb terroir in Chassagne-Montrachet – a town known for its lush, mouth filling whites — into sleek, ethereal, extraordinary wine. The 2021 vintage was a return to classically shaped wines in Burgundy, and the year fit Morey’s style perfectly. His 2021 Chassagne (the only wine to survive our Futures issue) is outstanding.

Jasper Morris found it “Quite floral for Chassagne… very stylish, very precise.” Exquisite wine from a master winemaker.


Thomas Morey Chassagne-Montrachet 2021
bottle price: $75

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