Fantastic New 2022 Red Burgundy under $50

The Côte Chalonnaise is home to extraordinary value today

Climate change has made most winemakers’ jobs more difficult, but in some sectors it’s brought more good than harm. One area basking in the abundant sun these days is the Côte Chalonnaise, a sub-region of Burgundy just south of the Côte d’Or. Vignerons here do have to manage drought, powerful storms, and other new challenges, but the struggle for ripeness is largely a thing of the past.

One of the most exciting towns in the Côte Chalonnaise is Givry, where we’ve worked for many years with the terrifically talented Gautier Desvignes. His excellent 2022s are in our July Futures pre-order, scheduled to arrive this fall. But for those who can’t wait, our new Givry producer’s wines are already in stock. Nicolas Ragot’s wines have made many friends since their introduction earlier this year, and we’re delighted to introduce a third wine today.

Ragot’s Givry 1er cru “Grand Berge” is seriously classy red Burgundy at a remarkably friendly price. It shows refined tannins and a dusty, beautiful fruit profile. The nose is more serious than his village level Givry, and the mouth is fleshier and more complex. Look for notes of violets, cassis, and bursting dark red cherries.


Ragot Giry 1er “Grand Berge” 2022
bottle price: $45

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